Knowing What Is True
Some people, as they face life, they want to know what works. What methods, what approach brings good results.
That’s not a bad way to approach life. But it isn’t what I focus on.
It is too human-centered. If I do x, then this will be the result.
Some people even approach God that way. If I do x, then God will do what I want.
Instead of “what works” I have always been drawn to the question, “What is true?”
Even as an atheist, I wanted to know the truth…does God exist or not? As I’ve shared with you before, scientific and historical evidence is what led me to conclude that God must exist.
I share this in detail in this email series: Spiritual Adventure Pack, offered on
When I first asked Jesus into my life, I found Jesus’ statement especially comforting: “I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6
When Jesus said he is the truth, I felt an enormous freedom to explore Scripture and question things, knowing I could never prove him false. He is the way. He is the truth. He is life.
How do you approach Scripture? Do you go to it asking God to show you what is true? What to count on? What he wants you to know and believe?
God will speak to you when this is your desire. He will reveal himself to you.
This morning, as I was getting dressed, I pulled up on my phone: If you select English Standard Version, you can go to a chapter and have it read to you. So, while getting ready, I was listening to Psalms 27-32.
They are amazing chapters. I recommend you read them (or listen to them) and make note of all that is true.
God’s love is amazing!