What 4 Cents Can Do
A number of years ago, God gave us a very useful way to bring EveryStudent.com to millions of people. We run ads on Google for articles from EveryStudent.com. When someone searches for “does God exist?” and they type that into Google, they might see an ad from EveryStudent.com that reads:
6 Reasons God Exists
Not Wishful Thinking. Evidence.
Clear, Straightforward. You Decide
If someone clicks on that ad, it takes them to this article:
We have found that we can reach people throughout the world for an average of 4 cents a person.
We run ads in Arabic, Turkish, English, Indonesian and 8 other languages. And we’re able to do this because of some people who financially contribute to this strategy.
This means that we can reach people nearly everywhere. In countries where it’s dangerous to say the name “Jesus” we can reach people at the very moment they are searching: Is Jesus God?
“Closed countries” is an outdated term for us, because God has given us a way to reach millions of people in these countries. And we can do so in a way that is safe for them.
Further, we can help new believers begin growing right away. The only languages we advertise are those who also offer the email series, “The Spiritual Starter Kit” in their language.
Here’s what this means…as people give to EveryStudent.com, we put that money into Google ads, to speak to more people throughout the world.
$100 results in 2,500 people coming to EveryStudent.com. And of those, on average, 30 people begin a life-changing relationship with God. That’s incredible to me. Where else could Christians give $100 and have it likely lead 30 people to receive Christ?!
This opportunity, this strategy, is from God. It’s so clear to me. I’m not smart enough to come up with something like this! God led us toward this. (And you know by now, I’m serious about God’s ability to clearly lead.)
We have a donor giving $15,000 every month, because he’s financially capable, and because he sees this as a strategic way to reach people with the gospel. And another donor giving even more.
Now, just so you know, none of this goes into my pocket.
I started and direct EveryStudent.com, but the finances for EveryStudent.com are totally separate from my personal finances.
I am a missionary who raises my own finances with ministry partners, just like everyone else in our Christian organization (which is called “Cru” in the U.S.). And no, I don’t want you to contributing to me personally.
However, if you’d like to contribute to EveryStudent.com, I would love to see us reach so many more people!! You can know that you are reaching people who are searching for answers to their life. They will only find those answers in Jesus.
We are seeing people begin a relationship with God, for less than $3 a person. I wanted to give you this opportunity to reach people through EveryStudent.com.
If you have questions or would like more information, please feel free to ask me.
Here is a link where you or others could give to EveryStudent.com: