How God Resets Us
I love the way God’s Word changes our thinking, redirects our path, sets in our heart his peace/love/rest/encouragement.
Recently, I came across 1 Thes 1:3. Paul, Silas, and Timothy are writing a group letter to the Christians in Thessalonica.
I especially like the way it is worded in NIV:
“We remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.”
I was immediately stopped. There was a huge contrast in this description, compared to how I was working that day. Mine would have read:
your work produced by long hours your labor prompted by deadlines and your endurance inspired by stubbornness, determination, a desire to succeed, etc.
It took no time at all to realize the purer motives that God desires…by faith, by love, by hope in Jesus.
God’s Word brings life. It brings an entirely different way to think, to act. His approach is always us connected to him.
He doesn’t ask us to perform for him, ever.
He asks us to live by faith in him, drawing on and sharing his love, sustained by the hope we have because of him.
Keep note of how God speaks to you. It’s great to share with others, including those who are yet to know him!